Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education

Each year Hiroshima University's Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education publishes an academic journal entitled, “Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education.”
The most recent publication is located here.
For previous publications, please access the Hiroshima University Institutional Repository.

Issue 28 (01/03/2025)

Julia TANABE; Walter DAVIES; Daniel HOUGHAM; Simon FRASERDeveloping Speaking Skills and Confidence: Oral Presentations in English Communication Courses
Peter HOWELLThe Design and Delivery of an English Course Focusing on the History of Country Music
Shuichi AMANOStudent and Instructor Experiences in a Task-based EFL-speaking Course Conducted in a Two-dimensional Virtual Space
Jaime SELWOODEighteen Years After the iPhone's Introduction: Is the University Second Language Classroom a Smartphone Zone?
Walter DAVIESSemantic Analysis in J. L. Austin's Sense and Sensibilia
Yuka TAKAHASHIIdentifying CEFR Levels of Words in the Hirodai Standard 6000 Vocabulary List (HiroTan)
Axel HARTINGEinsatz von ChatGPT zur Erkundung landeskundlicher Informationen im Deutschunterricht
Yuka YAMAUCHI; Kenji TAGASHIRAReviewing Two Decades of English Reading and Listening Courses in Liberal Arts at Hiroshima University
Atsushi NAKAGAWAToward the Creation of an Automated Scoring Tool for Student Writing in Liberal Arts English Courses at Hiroshima University
Katsuhiro YAMAUCHIExtensive Reading During Summer Vacation: Online-Centered Voluntary Program for University Students and Staff