The following symposium will be held online as the FLaRE 29th Annual Research Meeting.
“English for Specific Purposes: Emerging Challenges and Possibilities in Higher Education”

Date: Friday, March 5, 13:30-17:15
Venue: Zoom (The Zoom URL will be provided after registration.)
Participation fee: Free of charge (Pre-registration required)
Language: English

Symposium objectives:

*****English education at the tertiary level does not end with students completing general English language courses in their first or second year. In the later years of their university studies, students are expected to continue to learn English in accordance with their future academic or occupational needs. Teachers tasked with supporting such students will require an understanding of the theory and practice of English language teaching that meets the needs of learners in a variety of specialized fields.

*****This symposium invites experts who will help us understand English for Specific Purposes (ESP) from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Yukie Koyama (Professor Emeritus, Nagoya Institute of Technology) will provide a lecture on needs analysis in ESP, and Ken Urano (Professor, Hokkai-Gakuen University) will then speak on the issues of teaching business English in terms of task-based language teaching. The final talk, given by Walter Davies and Simon Fraser from our institute, will be on English language teaching in the medical field. The symposium will conclude with a question and answer session and a general discussion on the role of ESP in higher education. All the talks will be in English.

Invited speakers:

**Yukie Koyama (Professor Emeritus, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
**Ken Urano (Professor, Hokkai-Gakuen University)
**Walter Davies (Associate Professor, Hiroshima University) and Simon **Fraser (Professor, Hiroshima University)

For more information:

**FLaRE 29th Annual Research Meeting

Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University

TEL: +81-82-424-6424
E-mail: flare<AT> replace<AT>with @)